For this post, I would like to show
off some of my snowball collection..It not much really,cause I just been to 6 different country..And sometimes it just money problem that make me never been able to bought them..huhu..
Sintra,Portugal |
Dubai |
Berlin, Germany |
Kazan,Rusia |
Madrid,Spain |
Actually I never been to Kazan yet, but my friend gave it to me..I have one more from Egypt, but something happen, so I decide to throw away the ball..huhu..Maybe if I go to Egypt someday I will buy the same snowball like the one I throw away..Who knows,hehe..
'll never be the same
if we ever meet again
Won't let you get away
said if we ever meet again
10 comments: cute...
cantikkk^^ Mai pn suka glassball jgk!!^^
takde snowball lebih ke utk followers?=)
hmm..nnt nak kena cari satu la kat sini..
hehe..cute ke..suka main benda tu sebab ada snow flakes dia..hehe
suka juga ke..samalah,sebab tu beli..setiap kali pegi melancong,mesti cari benda tu..
hehe..time jalan tu xde followers..jadi xteringat la nak belikan..hehe
nak satu!
haha..kalau ko dapat cari rumah aku di sabah tu aku bagi semua tu..=P
ok.. bak sini alamat ko. skang gak aku book tket p sabah.hahaha.
wekkk..tak nak..itu ko cari sendiri gak..hehe..
sabah tu kecik pulak kan aku nak carik.
haha..tempat aku kecik je kat tawau tu..nt2 la aku try bagi kat korg ok..tengok dulu kalau ada lebih..=P
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