Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lesson 2 : Is life really like a wheel??

'Don't give up, life is like a wheel, it will keep rotating. Sometime you goes up, and sometime you goes down.'This phrase is actually true, but not for those who are not moving.

the wheel is a round object. so it is easier for them to move. different from us, we are not completely round, so to move, it is a little hard (for me??)

what do the people means when they say this quote is, you need to keep on moving. if you're not moving,you will be down forever.

this wheels on the ground.not moving

the things is, i really like this quote. because somehow, its tell me to keep on moving, to see how things will go for you once you up there. its funny because maybe some people things, if they just sits there and doing nothing, they will go up. even the wheel wont move if you don't start to move it.

but still, changes takes time. if u try to change so drastically, u might won't be able to stand the changes u made. if somehow u made it,congrats to u. cause Gods has made it that everything will work on His order. if u ever try to skip that order, u will never make it. thats why i think changes should be taken slowly,but steady.

try to think of a building. how many days,weeks, months or even year they took to finish it. but to destroy the building, how many seconds did they spend to take it down.

picture credit to flickr


Emira Darmia said...

i like the phrase life is a roller coaster better...

:) was blogwalking and x sengaja jumpe page u..salam perkenalan

Mask_man07 said...

roller coaster??why,because it end up so fast and scary..haha,just kidding..

salam diterima..slmt berkenalan..=D