Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Re-shuffle, Restarting , Respawn

       Gone for long time already. It's seem time really flies away just like that when you not looking. For now, there will be some weird guy back to the writing arena. I love to see if i manage to get someone to read this again, but well, it doesn't really matters now. Thanks for all who read my story, although most of it make no sense.

Well, this year, I think maybe i will be writing another story. Because everything I've done will remain as memory, be it the sweet or not so sweet one..Well then, here goes, back to blogger i guess..=)


Anonymous said...

hi topeng! long time no see! bila nak bt lagu lagi?

Mask_man07 said...

hi..lagu ke..lambat lagi kot..keyboard org pinjam..xde mood nak main skrg..hehe